One of the most dangerous aspects of cycling (apart from the ever-present risk of death) is the trend that many of us have to think that we "know everything." While time and experience make the us all cyclists, better if disabled you also can conspire to turn us into unbearable Pedanten--serial Retrogrouches and over knicker, automatically fired, strange and alien as "Myth and lore," or "Fiddle Faddle," "Balderdash" or any other quirky term of derision which murr- and stubborn inclined. In an attempt to start this condition in frustrate me (I caught me "rubbish recently with the word"), I have admitted that in fact I don't know much, and have also resolved to open my mind to new knowledge. For this reason was I looking forward to the following video from a reader:
Immediately after I, I mean resolution for abandoned, while old dogs may learn new tricks must be able, sometimes "classic" those who as lick everything you are.
This is not to say the miracle of the video has nothing to teach us in fact on artificially with "Rap" or "hip hop" combines the results are very potent and more uplifting.Watch this new video of "Da Gryptions" (another reader forwarded) that will tell all you need to know about Montreal's bike-sharing program:
While know drink can be difficult alone, it sinks much easier as it dissolved in the delicious drink of entertainment ist.Oder, you can only funnel it below throats of people in the form of some auto-tuned swill, as the case ist.In any case this is the largest Canadian bike-themed rap song without doubt since Toronto abdominal (NE Andy Bernstein) "deleted" his genre defining "Pedal pusher" in 2008 back:
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